14 3月

Killer Queen(杀手女王)


《杀手女王》(英语:Killer Queen)是由皇后乐团(Queen)演唱,由乐队主唱及键盘手弗雷迪·默丘里(Freddie Mercury)所创作的歌曲,最初版本收录在专辑Sheer Heart Attack(1974年)中。

弗雷迪·默丘里(Freddie Mercury):这是关于一个高级应召女郎,我想说的是优雅的人也有可能是个妓女。就是我这首歌说的,虽然我更喜欢人们把这首歌解读为,他们喜欢的是什么。

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She keeps Moet et Chandon

In a pretty cabinet – 她在那美丽的橱柜里储藏着酩悦香槟

‘Let them eat cake’ she says

Just like Marie Antoinette – 正如玛丽安东妮皇后那样说道“让他们吃些蛋糕吧!”

A built-in remedy

For Khrushchev and Kennedy – 她本身就是给赫鲁晓夫和肯尼迪的补救

At anytime an invitation

You can’t decline – 她就是一个在任何时候都让你无法拒绝的邀请


Caviar and cigarettes – 鱼子酱和香烟

Well versed in etiquette – 她精通诗律

Extraordinarily nice – 她非常出色

She’s a Killer Queen – 她是杀手女王

Gunpowder, Gelatine – 是火药,是明胶

Dynamite with a laser beam – 是带有雷射光束的炸药

Guaranteed to blow your mind

Anytime – – 保证在任何时候都能让你意乱神迷


Recommended at the price – 拥有她的代价就是

Insatiable an appetite – 永远贪得无厌的胃口和欲求

Wanna try? – 你想尝试一下吗?


To avoid complications – 为了避免麻烦

She never kept the same address – 她从来不留相同的地址

In conversation – 在谈话中

She spoke just like a baroness – 她的口吻就像一个男爵夫人

Met a man from China – 在约会一个中国男人

Went down to Geisha Minah – 在成为日本艺妓

Then again incidentally – 再顺便提一下

If you’re that way inclined – 如果你有这倾向


Perfume came naturally from Paris – 香水从巴黎悠然飘来

for cars she couldn’t care less

Fastidious and precise – 她爱车,对车极度挑剔,要求细致

She’s a Killer Queen – 她是杀手女王

Gunpowder, Gelatine – 是火药,是明胶

Dynamite with a laser beam – 是带有雷射光束的炸药

Guaranteed to blow your mind

Anytime – – 保证在任何时候都能让你意乱神迷


Drop of a hat she’s as willing as – 扔掉帽子的时候

Playful as a pussy cat – 她心甘情愿地表演地像一只妩媚的小猫咪

Then momentarily out of action – 暂时地安静

Temporarily out of gas – 暂时地休息

To absolutely drive you wild, wild – 完全是为了让你疯狂、疯狂

She’s out to get you – 她就要掌控你了

She’s a Killer Queen – 她是杀手女王

Gunpowder, Gelatine – 是火药,是明胶

Dynamite with a laser beam – 是带有雷射光束的炸药

Guaranteed to blow your mind

Anytime – – 保证在任何时候都能让你意乱神迷


Recommended at the price – 拥有她的代价就是

Insatiable in appetite – 永远贪得无厌的胃口和欲求

Wanna try? – 你想尝试一下吗?

You wanna try. – 是的,你想尝试一下

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